Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Good Feeling

It doesn't take much to say "thank you." However, how many people don't say it... two little words that can mean so much.
We take things for granted. We expect things or situations to come our way in a positive way all the time. We don't live in a perfect world, although it would be nice.
I was standing in line one day at the grocery store. The man in front of me didn't have enough to pay the cashier. He was.50 shy of the amount. I handed the clerk the.50 to cover the man's groceries. The clerk said thank you, but the man never acknowledged me, took his groceries and left. The clerk looked at me and rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe what just transpired. "Can you believe that?" I asked the cashier. "I see it quite often" the clerk replied "People just don't care."
Another situation I came across at a department store. I had finished my shopping and had a few coupons left over, so I handed them to the lady that was waiting in line in back of me. She just grabbed the coupons and walked up to the cashier.
What about letting someone go ahead of you in line, or the car you let make that turn at the stop sign ahead of you. No thanks, no hand wave from the driver. No nothing!
Hold on. Am I missing something here? Did that just happen to me? Yes, a couple of times and I still go back and extend a courtesy to someone in need. I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but not acknowledging that someone has done something nice is beyond recognition.
Did I grow up on a different planet? Is there something, someone is not telling me? Should I just go and treat everyone like they treat me? Not as long as I am breathing!... they can go and be mean and miserable and non-appreciative.
I do what I feel is right and that makes me feel good inside.
If they don't want to thank you, smile, and just walk away. You know that 'you' have done something good and you will feel good about yourself.
I can understand that we all have problems. Heaven knows, but why add to these problems by being miserable.
To all those who believe as I do, kudos to you. Keep smiling and have a wonderful day!